Μετάθεση καταληκτικής ημερομηνίας υποβολής προσφορών για την προμήθεια με τίτλο: «Προμήθεια, εγκατάσταση και θέση σε λειτουργία Φ/Β συστήματος ισχύος 500 kW με ενεργειακό συμψηφισμό (Net metering) στο Κρωτήρι Παροικίας».

Due to the exorbitant increases in the electricity bills, the Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Companies are in danger of being overwhelmed by debt. Because they do not want to burden the citizens, they ask for the immediate subsidy of the Adjustment Clause to cover their increased energy costs until they reach energy self-sufficiency with actions to save and produce electricity.

The President, the Board of Directors and the employees of DEYAP, wish this Easter, no matter how different we all experience it, to be an occasion for mental and spiritual uplift and resurrection!